drim blag for æ lıŋgwıst
Dang. Why aren't all computers equipped for transcribing in IPA at ease? For anyone who wants to know what that previous sentence said, you'll have to bribe me real good. For anyone who can tell me what it says, I'll award all of my admiration, plus three gold stars. Who didn't like getting gold stars as a kid?
Anyways, I didn't really have anything to blog about tonight, except the fact that I think sometimes that I need serious help. To illustrate what sort of 'help' I need, here are several examples:
1) I am sitting here on a Friday night at midnight amusing myself by attempting to write a blog in the phonetic alphabet.
2) I somehow imagined myself meeting the man of my dreams on the internet, when he came across my phonetic blog, and responded in the comment section by using the IPA. I then imagined how we would incorporate that into our wedding, such as invitations written in IPA, with a phonetic's guide sent to everyone so they could actually read the invitation.
3) I'm not sure if I am actually serious or just trying to be funny on option #2...it would make for an interesting romance story, wouldn't it? People would ask how we met and fell in love, and it would involve blogs, the internet, and linguistics.
I'm seriously a geek. If anyone has any suggestions for me in being less 'keen' please tell me.
Oh, and just a thought I had tonight: Would I also be considered a geek just for the fact that I do record my thoughts in blog form? Once you think about it, isn't it kind of creepy that we 'bloggers' record some of our deepest thoughts on here for random people to read and comment on? Through the few peoples blog sites I am aware of, I instantly have access to an almost innumerable amount of other people by clicking on everyone's links. Is that the whole point of this? I must admit, it is kind of cool, how technology has really advanced globalization. But again...is this creepy? Am I creepy for reading random people's blogs?
I think I really need to resolve this issue...