musings of a city girl

a look into the mind and heart of Janet as she struggles to shine amidst the clamor and concrete in an impersonal city.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

death by pumpkin

So Rae Ann and I have this pumpkin just rotting away on our balcony, left from halloween. Why we didn't throw it out in the first place I'm not sure..I think it was already starting to rot inside our sweltering apartment and we were too grossed out to carry it down the stairs. So, being the smart people we are, we stuck it outside on the balcony. It is now a pile of mush in a plastic grocery bag, its rotten juices spreading over the balcony and dripping down the edge. Now we're really too grossed out to carry it down to the dumpster. We've thought about kicking it off our third floor balcony, but I could foresee that being not such a great could maybe hit someone in the head on the ground below, or hit my car or something. Will someone please come and remove this disgusting thing for us??

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

hello Dr. Wong!

So, I think you all remember my short-lived potential romance, the Chinese Ukrainian named Wong, who code switched between perfect and not-so-perfect English...yes, good old Wong. Well, anyhow, I've been looking at getting myself a regular doctor to go see here in the city, and I was referred by a friend to someone who was taking new patients here in the south. I almost choked when I found out his name was Dr. Wong. I wondered if he was young, single, and Chinese Ukrainian. Well, it turns out he's young, I'm pretty sure he's single due to the lack of ring on finger, and he's Chinese, although I have yet to ask if he's Ukrainian. PLUS he's a doctor. Kinda awkward that he's MY doctor though, especially since I have to go for my physical this morning...hmmm...could be interesting.

Monday, December 05, 2005

monday morning musings

It snowed like crazy last night. Until today, I cannot say that I had put my new car to the test in the winter time. I drove slowly and carefully, and still slid through two red lights on my way to the bank. I'm definitely not used to anti-lock brakes. I pray there were no cameras...I honestly was not try to beat any lights nor was I speeding and I TRIED to slow down well in advance...dah. Now I feel like not going anywhere ever for the next 5 months, or until the snow melts, that is.

I think I just burned my toast....yup, I checked and all I see in the toaster oven is a wee little piece of charcoal bread, hard as rock. Funny how I can bake home-made bread and cookies and gourmet entrees, but I haven't figured out the art of the perfect piece of toast in this toaster oven.

I feel tired today and I still have an 8 hour shift tonight. Not looking forward to working till midnight then getting up at 6am to make it down town (in this stupid weather) for my 8am interview. Yes, another government interview. I hope I get offered a job...I'm really tired of waitressing, and not looking forward to no time off over the holidays. Boo-urns.

The toaster just dinged...and much to my surprise and delight, I have produced the perfect golden piece of toast.

The other day I saw four big army tanks cruising through South Edmonton was truly bizarre, as the base is like an hour's drive north of this end of the city. And I don't think there's a war going on in Edmonton, or any political protests going on in South Commons...there ARE great Christmas sales at all the stores, however. Perhaps they were going to get sweet decorations for the barracks.

And I've decided that I like Edmonton better than Calgary. Calgary is a beautiful city, and there are parts that I miss (like friends and family, Kensington, walking by the Bow River, the C-Train, and the view of the mountains), but people in Edmonton are much funnier. Much more blue collar, and growing up in Cold Lake has definitely bred me to be more familiar with blue collar way of life. I felt so out of place amongst the yuppies of Calgary. Seriously, girls would show up at 8am classes with perfect hair and makeup and stiletto heels with their $300 pair of jeans. Plus Edmonton has better sports teams...but that's just my opinion.

On another note, I finally won the battle with my boss for Sundays off. No Sunday shifts for me. I went to church yesterday, and it was glorious. We talked about what to give to the One who has everything, using the examples of the types of gifts to baby Jesus in the Christmas story and the story of the poor widow who gave her last two coins to the temple. The point being that the only thing we can give to God that He doesn't already have is our wholeselves...our hearts...completely, fully, to Him. It seems simple, but is something that I'm sure all of us Christians have a hard time understanding how to do. I feel it is especially hard for those of us who have been Christians for so long...some of us become numb to the conept of being new creations in can this and other teachings in the Bible be made fresh again? I don't want to be complacent...I want to hear and read the Word and experience it like it was the first time. I want to give my heart and life fully to God...but it often feels like an impossible task. Good intentions are overcome with temptation to please myself. This I know is everyone's battle.

Anyhow, I feel like I need a nap. I cranked the heat because it was freezing in here...and now its warm and I feel sleepy...very, very sssssleeeeeeppppyyyy........*snore*