musings of a city girl

a look into the mind and heart of Janet as she struggles to shine amidst the clamor and concrete in an impersonal city.

Monday, June 26, 2006

It's fun to stay at the YMCA

I love going to the gym. The sweat, feeling the burn, watching all the interesting people that share that common interest with me...yes, the people are definitely what make the experience worthwhile. Like the old man that swims in the pool. Several times I have looked down to the pool while working out upstairs on the treadmill and seen this old man there. And every single time the color of his swimming trunks has fooled me into thinking he's in the swimming pool completely naked (his trunks are the same color as his skin). And then there's the guys who can do a bicep curl with about 200 lbs (compared to my 30 lbs). I wonder...does anyone ever have to look THAT muscular? Like, so muscular that its really really scary...? Then there's the volunteers at the Y, mostly the types of clients I would work with at my job...they're so fun to watch, and so proud of their job. Then there's the older gentlemen that come there still dressed in their business suit clothes (minus the jacket and tie of course), put on their running shoes, and hit the treadmill. I don't know how it could be comfortable working out in dress clothes....maybe they're old dress clothes ready for the second-hand store....I don't know, its kind of a bizarre sight. Then there's the lady that comes to the gym and goes on the equipment but doesn't actually work out (ie. just sits on the stationary bike without actually pedalling).
The moms with young children, pushing them around the gym in their strollers while performing aerobic exercises. Hmmm..walking lunges while pushing a stroller...I suppose it could help. Once I saw an old man there who watched everyone work out on the equipment he was wanting to use (trust me, its weird to be on a machine and have this man staring at you the whole time). My theory is he doesn't actually know how to use the machine, and he's too embarassed to ask an attendant for help, so he (not so) slyly observes the others around him.
I think my favorite thing so far was in the women's change room. There were these two old british ladies getting ready for a workout. One was looking at the bulletin board where they post all the different classes that are coming up to take. She then comes back to her friend and asks "What is Hip Hop?" (they were advertising for hip hop lessons). The way she said it is priceless, because instead of pronouncing it like HIP hop, with the stress on HIP, she equally stressed both words... suggesting she had never heard the word before. They both didn't know what it was. And I smiled, cause though it seems like something everyone should know, really, I'm sure they don't have hip hop lessons at the old folks home.

Anyhow, I'm surprised that I actually get any exercising done at the gym, with all these fun people to observe.

Thursday, June 22, 2006 there ever enough?

Dang. I've succumbed to procrastination in more than just the blogging world. Let's room's a mess, laundry's piling up, I have paperwork to finish for work, I'm slacking in going faithfully to the gym every day, and I'm way behind in my courses. I only work 38 hrs a where does all my time go? I honestly don't even know what I spend it on....hmmm...
yesterday was my day off. I slept till after 10, went grocery shopping, baked cookies and made lunch, went to the gym, showered, tried to do homework, got extremely tired, had a 2 hour nap, woke up, went tanning, went to my course for work...there you go...its 9pm already. Today is looking like the same sort of thing. Then its off to work again tomorrow for another week.
I wish I could go on vacation...