musings of a city girl

a look into the mind and heart of Janet as she struggles to shine amidst the clamor and concrete in an impersonal city.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Let it snow!

I'm a machine...well-oiled, finely tuned machine. It isn't even 9am, and I've already cleaned the kitchen and living room, hung up the rest of our few christmas decorations, done a load of laundry, and listened to most of a christmas cd...LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW!!!(Let's just say I'm almost ready for the snow to come...I'm sick of the brown dead grass everywhere).

My favorite song on my mix of christmas tunes is Welcome to Our World by Chris Rice. Not only is it a simple but pretty melody, the words always give me shivers and make me remember what Christmas is really about...

Welcome to our World (Chris Rice)

Tears are falling, hearts are breaking
How we need to hear from God
You've been promised, we've been waiting
Welcome Holy Child, Welcome Holy Child

Hope that You don't mind our manger
How I wish we would have known
But long-awaited Holy Stranger
Make Yourself at home, please, make Yourself at home

Bring Your peace into our violence
Bid our hungry souls be filled
Word now breaking Heaven's silence
Welcome to our world, welcome to our world

Fragile finger sent to heal us
Tender brow prepared for thorn
Tiny heart whose blood will save us
Unto us is born, Unto us is born

So wrap our injured flesh around You
Breathe our air and walk our sod
Rob our sin, and make us holy
Perfect Son of God, Perfect Son of God
Welcome to our world


  • At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes I love that song also.Hope you get a chance to sing it again sometime. Lynn & I had fun today tramping the bush out back and cutting branches. Then I made something for the front out of the red dogwood branches and spruce boughs with white lights. Was fun. I'll bring you some branches when we come in on Friday.

  • At 4:56 PM, Blogger Keller said…

    I went to the U of A's bell ringer/chorale thingy on Monday night... it was a reminder of the unfolding of God's plan of Redemption. And then it snowed when I drove back to Vermilion... let it snow? I'm not so sure... I was questioning the sanity of our forefathers when they relocated to this icebox we call Canada.

  • At 8:43 PM, Blogger Megan said…

    Holy Crap. My body doesn't move before 9am. If it does (class at 8) it definately doesn't function properly. As wonderful as it all looks, I still hate the snow. So cold.

  • At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    just wondering now that you have snow does it seem like such a good idea? It definitely does make everything look a lot cleaner, and it feels more like Christmas is on its way. Love you.

  • At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just had another thought. I'll take snow any day over floods, hurricanes etc. And think of the fun... snow forts, snow angels, snowmen, skiing....yes we actually need more so we can get out skiing. Ha! I think I'll pray for more, but only at the times when we aren't having to travel. I might as well be specific in my asking.


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