musings of a city girl

a look into the mind and heart of Janet as she struggles to shine amidst the clamor and concrete in an impersonal city.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A narcissist's delusions of grandeur

Last night I went out with a guy from Christian Cafe (a dating site). I've been out with a few different guys from there, and all of them have been pretty fun and normal (much to my surprise, due to the whole stigma on online dating). Last night, on the other hand, was an exception. Ohhh man. So this guy, let's call him Mike (not his real name). He's in town from Calgary on a business trip, and we had talked for awhile, so I agreed to meet him downtown for a drink. Now, it became quickly apparent that this was no normal date. Like, not in a scary way, but he evidently had a severe case of narcissistic personality disorder (or in other words, as rae ann would say, the Josh K. disease, haha). The whole time he talked about himself and how he was this doctor (not like a medical kind, but apparently had a doctorate in marketing or something and worked for a company that promoted biomedical devices for clinical research). Anyhoo, so he kept referring to himself as "Dr. Brown" (again, not his real name, but I'm just protecting anonymity), flaunting the fact that he had the label of doctor infront of his name and not just the regular "mr." like everyone else. He kept talking about how all the women like him, and how much money he makes, and to top it all off, how he got offered a contract with the CFL this year but he turned it down because he plays for an AFL league in the states, apparently for the LA Avengers. Now, how you could have a fulltime job in Calgary and play football in LA, I don't understand. He told me this story on a game he played recently against philadelphia's team, who is owned by Jon Bon Jovi. And when Mike scored on an interception, Bon Jovi was heckling at him from the front row. And you can tell that this man is very proud of this story, which I didn't believe for a second. He then told me of parties he went to in Tahiti and how awkward it was when he ran into his ex girlfriend from New York who was a professional bikini model/ surfing competitor. Oh man, the tales get more exciting as the night goes on. And I'm sitting there, thinking to myself, what the heck am I doing here? My arms are cross, I'm visibly not impressed with all of his talk about being a rich football playing ladies man doctor. Not to mention he keeps hitting on me, then comments on how I don't seem to be impressed with him, which he doesn't understand because he thinks he's a great catch, and I think to myself, about how a girl would catch nothing but trouble with him. I kept thinking about those women who marry these guys with this "secret life" and then they get pregnant, then the men murder them. Could he be crazy like that? To top it off, when I got home, I checked the roster of the LA Avengers, and, unsurprisingly, his name is nowhere to be found. I laughed. It was the bizarrest night I have ever had in my life. And he's probably still trying to figure out why I didn't throw myself at him like "all the other girls do." Hmmm...if he's so smart with his "doctorate" he should be able to figure that one out.


  • At 7:10 PM, Blogger Kelly said…

    Ahhh, I've got all sorts of cafe stories too...this guy obviously feels the need to make himself look spectacular rather than just normal...poor guy! and poor you!

  • At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Please be careful, my dear. This is your mother speaking.

  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger drakefarmer said…

    Creapy! I wonder after a while if he even starts do believe the lies he creates.

    It is sad that he is unable to have a normal convo. with someone with out blowing his ego up. Does he not realize that his lies will catch up to him?

  • At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Please be careful, my dear. And don't have to much fun without your mother or me.

  • At 6:16 PM, Blogger shinbone #4 said…

    WOW!! Wow.... that is exactly the online date I would expect someone to have - although I have to admit I have heard of many that were normal and wonderful and good, that date is how I would stereo type it... Fantastic!! I laughed my socks off...
    Sad though that this guy feels he needs to lie to impress. Chalk it up to low self esteem, I guess....

  • At 7:48 PM, Blogger Superjan said…

    haha, ya I know Grace, I was just waiting for something like that to happen! It was really quite delightful (in an odd, pathetic way). Anyhow, but I seriously think I'm going to be a nun..hmm..maybe I'll blog about that!

  • At 4:49 PM, Blogger Joy said…

    A nun? well I still have my application form if you want it... I think...

  • At 2:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    that's a funny story. Perhaps even funnier since i got to hear it in person...



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